Terminal Expansion Project

  2. 2022 ACTIVITY
  3. 2021 ACTIVITY
  4. 2020 ACTIVITY
  5. 2019 ACTIVITY
  6. 2018 ACTIVITY


The Terminal Expansion Project was necessary to support current needs and future growth potential of Billings Logan International Airport operations, City of Billings residents and the outlying communities served by our air service. 

Planning and design began in 2018, with progression into construction starting in 2019 and nearing total completion today. The construction portion of this project was anticipated to extend for three years, and the project was roughly halfway complete at the start of 2022, with an anticipated completion date mid-2024. The project was divided into phases to minimize the impact to business and operations during construction:

  • Phase I: Demolition of the old Gift Shop and United Airlines holdroom on Concourse A, construction of a new Stair Tower, new Regional Gate, Aircraft Ramp Work removing concrete air carrier ramp to make way for construction of the new Concourse A/Great Room/TSA Screening Area, structural work for roof support for the Concourse Extension Area, Basement Remodel for Temporary Holdroom under Concourse B.  Status: Completed.
  • Phase II: All new construction of:  the TSA Queuing and Screening Area, a new Great Room with Passenger Seating/Workspace, Fireplace and Bar, Restaurant and Gift Shop, a new Concourse A with 4 holdrooms.  Status: Completed.
  • Phase III: Relocating TSA to the new Screening Area; construction of a temporary ramp to the new Screening Area, closure of the old screening area and remodel into the new Lower Lobby Area. Status: Completed.
  • Phase IV: Moving airlines from the current Concourse B to the new Concourse A; demolition of the current Concourse B and construction of the new Concourse B, completion of the new Lower Lobby Area. Status: Completed.
  • Phase V: Remodel a portion of the old Concourse A for a new holdroom for the Essential Air Service passengers. Status: Completed

Terminal Expansion Project Summary Detail

Follow our updates on Facebook and Instagram.  Concourse B, the last phase of the multi-year project is now open and serving passengers, with only the restrooms to be finished.  The project and the new look has been well received; we appreciate all the great feedback we've received.  The next set of Terminal improvements will focus on the main floor. Watch our website and social media for more information on these future improvements.

View video of Concourse level design: Fly Thru Video

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