Parking & Transportation


Billings Logan International Airport provides both short-term and long-term parking through an agreement with SP Plus. Four public parking lots are available across from or a short distance from the Terminal Building: short-term, long-term, the long-term overflow, and express-park; the rates vary for each lot and begin at $9 per day.

The Short-Term lot is located across from the Terminal Building. The Long-Term lot and the North Overflow lot are located across from and past both the Terminal Building and rental car lots. The conveniently located Express Lot is also available directly across from the Terminal Building and offers both a short walk to the Terminal Building, an easy credit card payment system for an easy and quick exit, and EV charging. Look for the green EV Parking signs and the white charging pedestals.

For a map of parking lots surrounding the Airport Terminal, please consult the Airport Map. To contact SP Plus for further information or information on parking oversize vehicles, please call (406) 259-8545.

Current Parking Rates

Current parking rates are:

Short-Term Parking Lot

0 - 30 minutesFree
Each additional 30 minutes$2.00
Maximum each 24 hours$15.00

Long Term Premium Parking Lot

0 - 30 minutes$2.00
Each additional 30 minutes$1.50
Maximum each 24 hours$11.00

Long-Term Parking Lot (Including the North Overflow
Parking Lot)

0 - 60 minutes$2.50
Each additional 30 minutes$1.50
Maximum each 24 hours$9.00

Cell Phone Waiting Parking Lot

To address the increasing traffic and parking congestion in front of the Terminal Building during passenger pickup, drop-off, and peak flight times, an area for a Cell Phone Waiting Parking Lot has been designated west of the Terminal Building off of Overlook Drive.  A short drive to the Terminal Building, drivers can park in the waiting lot at no charge, while waiting for a call for pickup at the Terminal Building.  See the map for the location of the Cell Phone Waiting Parking Lot.