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- Requests for Proposals / Qualifications/Quotes
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The Airport periodically issues Requests for Proposals, Qualifications, or Quotes for:
Generally, notices are published in local newspapers, on the Website, and when appropriate, in industry publications.
For open Requests, documents are available in the Document Library. The Document Center has a folder structure, with all publicly available documents. RFPs, RFQs are found under the Requests for Proposals, Qualifications, or Quotes folder., and classified by the three categories above.
NOTE: Proposal notices or specifications are only available during the open period prior to the submittal deadline. After the submittal deadline has passed, documents will no longer be available online.
Billings Logan International Airport
Airport Administration
1901 Terminal Circle, Room 216
Billings, MT 59105
Phone: 406-247-8609
Fax: 406-657-8438